EWR 3 Bridges
Under Contract EWR-154.392 with PANYNJ, D’Annunzio & Sons, Inc. constructed 3 steel curved girder roadway bridges (N57, N58 and N59) totaling over 1800 LF in length. The piers for these bridges were constructed on over 1400 LF of 5.5’, 7’ & 8’ diameter drilled shafts and approximately 400’ of rock socket deep foundations. Over 3400 CY of reinforced concrete was poured in the form of bridge abutments, retaining walls, columns and pier caps. Flatwork included reinforced approach slabs and bridge decks with SRA and Tuff Strand totaling over 2700 CY. Approach roadway work consisted of 3700 SF of T-Wall retaining walls, over 60,000 CY of earth work, and transportation and disposal of 101,000 TN of overbank excavations along EWR peripheral ditch areas between Bridges N57 and N59. Underground utilities included 3,300 LF of drainage pipe, 4200 LF of sanitary sewer up to 24” in diameter, 7000 LF of water main up to 16” in diameter and over 11,000 LF of underground electrical/communication duct banks.
The underground work also included electrical equipment and controls, manholes, handholes, lift stations, an oil water separator and 5 EA drainage headwall structures. Environmental work consisted of demolishing existing structures and utilities in accordance with lead, asbestos, universal and regulated waste handling and disposal requirements, performing environmental remedial excavation and backfill at a Fuel Selection Area, as well as removal and disposal of 17,000 LF of fuel lines varying from 12” to 18” in diameter. Finish work included installing landscaping along the peripheral ditch and paving of approach roadways. The work called for the maintenance of existing traffic and installation of permanent traffic protection systems at Earhart Drive, Parking Lot P3, Carson Road, and Basilone Road. We completed construction in November of 2020 and the project had a final completion value of over $73M.